Saturday, June 6, 2009

Glaciology Field Trip

Our glaciology field trip was more of a sight seeing tour to some of the most wonderful corners of southern Iceland. Our first stop was Gigjoekull a northern outlet from the Eyafallajoekull ice cap. You guys wont get around a bit of education, so: you can see that the snout is somewhat of an icefall which leads to the heavy crevassing (ie. big, deep incisions in the ice). The lake in front is referred to as a glacial lagoon so comprises mainly meltwater from the glacier.

Because we had done sooo much hard work, we went on to have a lunch break at Seljalandsfoss. One can walk behind the waterfall... advisable if you are wearing waterproof or want a cool down from the warm weather.

A couple of bus hours later we were heading for the trolls. Vik with its black tephra beach and the basalt columns are beautiful whether in the mist or in the wonderful sunshine. Close by we experience the vast emptiness of Myrdalssandur with a massive boulder within the generally fine material... Deposited by the 1996 Joekullhlaup (volcanically induced outburst flood). Can you find the red hat?!?

After some more stops at glaciers we reached our most north eastern part of the trip: Joekullsarlon in other words a glacier lagoon... depending on the tide ocean water enters the lagoon increasing the melting process of the glacier snout...

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